Gravel pit restoration well under way
Just over a year ago the old gravel pit on the corner of Hanson Rd and Waituna Lagoon Rd was an eyesore, with dead and dying gorse, rubbish dumped and tracks from 4wding this way and that.
Thanks to funding assistance from the DOC Community Conservation Fund the last year has seen a frenzy of activity there, with a fence erected around the area, diggings undertaken to form a weir and reform the lowest wetland area, plantings in all directions to transform the area into a pleasant sight, with jointed rush and toe toe reflecting around Polly’s Pond and flax and Coprosma shrubland on the upper drier areas.
Thanks to the Fonterra Conservation Volunteers for their help with planting of the area.
In the south east corner the Soulthland District Council have very kindly constructed a car park.
At the beginning of June, in celebration of Arbor Day/World Environment Day, the first interpretation sign was unveiled and the Gorge Road School pupils helped plant red tussocks around the car park.
Category: Waituna