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Lagoon emergency opening could have been avoided
As with any issue there needs to be balance and the Waituna Lagoon is no exception, according to Waituna Catchment Group Chairman Maarten Van Rossum. Recent articles in the media have told only one side of recent happenings in the catchment, which is 40km south-east of Invercargill, in Southland. TIMELINE: November 6, 2023 ES testing shows […]

Waituna Lagoon – closed but not forgotten
By Jo Crack Waituna Lagoon has now quietly closed to the sea, ironically at Easter when those who claim to be the guardians of the lagoon were not watching – DOC, Iwi and ES. As has often been the way in the past, the lagoon has again whispered to the locals, and in a stroke […]

20 years on, lamb price still low
We’ve been here before. Just happened to find an interesting site on the web that saved old websites from away back – in this case I was looking up Farmnews. The website is called Wayback Machine for anyone who wants to look back. Anyway, happened to notice a press release on Farmnews from 20 years […]

Challenging year for Farmlands
Farmlands has released its 2023 Annual Report. It emphasises the rural supplies co-op’s focus on backing its core farmers and growers in a difficult operating environment, while also setting the co-op up for long-term success as a rural market leader in rural supplies, fuel, animal health, nutrition, agronomy and horticulture. Kiwi farmers and growers are facing […]

A toxo disaster – despite vaccination
When you go to the trouble of vaccinating your two-tooths against toxoplasmosis you expect these animals will be protected. Trudi Baird tells of the dreadful lambing that resulted when this was not the case.

NZ Yarn & Hemp P/ship formed
Hemp New Zealand has acquired a 15% interest in NZ Yarn in an effort to develop new blends and exciting consumer products. The partnership will innovate hemp fibre processing as well as boost the development of new consumer products made from hemp yarn, wool & hemp yarn blends and non-woven wool and hemp products Craig […]

Parasite resistant genes will boost profits
Breeding for parasite resistant genetics will strengthen flocks and save time and money on-farm, according to a group of leading sheep breeders. Growing concerns from farmers around increasing levels of drench resistance, rising farming input costs, and issues getting farm labour have prompted the ten breeder so form WormFEC. The breeders’ group brings together more than […]

Best practice to be recognised by Fonterra
Fonterra farmers were told today of the Co-op’s plans to provide them with more meaningful recognition and rewards in season 2019/2020 for producing high quality, safe, sustainable dairy. Farm Source and Global Operations Chief Operating Officer Robert Spurway said Fonterra farmers have long led the way when it comes to milk quality, animal welfare and […]

Polio-type disease often undiagnosed
Both calves and lambs can suffer from polioencephalomalacia and easily go undiagnosed and die as a result. The disease effects the brain and is basically a thiamin (B1) deficiency. Often an older lamb or calf will be found lying flat, head flung back, flinging its legs about but more-or-less stuck on its side. Sometimes they will […]

Time to be weighing lambs…
The scales have been dragged out of the dusty corner, the lambs are lined up, their mothers are roaring and it’s about now that the debate starts: “What did we do last year? 32kg. No, I’m sure that’s not right.” The table below is the same one we first printed in the on-paper version of […]