
Lagoon emergency opening could have been avoided
As with any issue there needs to be balance and the Waituna Lagoon is no exception, according to Waituna Catchment Group Chairman Maarten Van Rossum. Recent articles in the media have told only one side of recent happenings in the catchment, which is 40km south-east of Invercargill, in Southland. TIMELINE: November 6, 2023 ES testing shows […]

Waituna Lagoon – closed but not forgotten
By Jo Crack Waituna Lagoon has now quietly closed to the sea, ironically at Easter when those who claim to be the guardians of the lagoon were not watching – DOC, Iwi and ES. As has often been the way in the past, the lagoon has again whispered to the locals, and in a stroke […]

Higher lagoon levels will cause issues
Lindsay Paddon knows what it’s like down at Waituna when the lagoon reaches high levels. The photos below show him firstly in June 1994 with the lagoon at 2.35m. And then in recent times at a low lagoon level (in the same place). The Invercargill fisherman and hunter is pictured beside his hut near the […]

You can’t trust the Trust, farmers say
25 November 2018 By Mary-Jo Tohill – www.stuff.co.nz The trust that looks after the Waituna catchment and lagoon in Southland has been told that it must keep the community better informed after accusations that it cannot be trusted. Farmers in the Waituna catchment turned out in force to a public meeting last week to challenge the Whakamana Te Waituna Trust’s plans to […]

.. and what about Santa Claus
6 January 2012: By Darrin CrackIt’s peaceful, only a few fishermen about. There’s not been a white double-cab Toyota in sight for at least a fortnight despite lake levels dropping daily and the increasing risk of Lake Waituna flipping to “an algal dominated state.” In the past six weeks we’ve had little rain, it’s dry, […]

A farmer’s view on Waituna
10 November 2011: Well it seems everyone has a view on Lake Waituna, even those that have never set foot in the catchment, never fished, hunted ducks or farmed in the area. The issues around the health and state of Lake Waituna are complex and emotive – no more so than for those who live […]

Muddying the waters
18 October 2011: The cartoon (7th Oct in the Southland Times) relating to dairy rates increase for the benefit of Lake Waituna causes some offence to me and no doubt to others. It is the publication of items such as this that push this important issue further back in to the mire (yes I acknowledge […]

Wires crossed at Waituna
Seagrass. Ruppia megacarpa v R. polycarpaBy Ken Calvert16 October 2011 It would seem to me that the authorities controlling the lagoon have got their wires crossed. They are bemoaning that the lagoon is going to flip, seagrass is dying and algae growth and sediment are taking over. As I understand it, the reason for declaring […]

ES brings about unity
4 October 2011 By Ray McCrostie On Wednesday Sept 5, ES stated at a Waituna Catchment Group meeting that: The science is incomplete we acknowledge that, but we have to do something and at this stage we’re not exactly sure what – our policy and rules are only at the draft stage. But we are […]

World Wetlands Day Celebrated
World Wetlands Day is celebrated internationally on the 2nd February every year. The Waituna Landcare Group and the Gorge Road School joined together to celebrate our local Waituna Wetlands. The senior school walked the Waituna Loop Track, enjoying the new interpretation panels erected last spring and learning about wetland values and the history of the […]