Recent Articles

Conventional milk has more minerals
Milk from organic farms has a lower concentration of elements like zinc, iodine and selenium than milk produced by conventional farming methods.

Pork and Bee industry in court today
Having two primary industry sectors fighting the Ministry in court today shows that our biosecurity safeguards aren’t working

Wool price lifts on back of weaker NZ$
The weaker New Zealand dollar and poor weather has combined to push up local prices as exporters struggle to meet shipment commitments.

Strong demand for wool today
… saw strong demand largely due to the lack of wool coming forward onto the market as a result of recent drought and in particular in the South Island wet weather.

Discussion on reform planned
…We had a highly constructive conversation around meat industry issues and many areas of alignment emerged..

Potential for sawmilling byproducts
If sawmillers on-sell wood residues to supplement their income this will in turn enable many new and emerging technologies…

New rules for ag vehicles
… agricultural vehicles first registered from June 1 2013 must use a flashing amber beacon at all times when on-road …

Candy for cows has potential
It’s a free-choice type of supplement in a block form — sort of like a big, 250-pound piece of candy for livestock

Fonterra offer scaled back to 79% of 25%
The high level of demand means the Fonterra Offer will be scaled. Fonterra will buy 79.7284 per cent of the economic rights each farmer shareholder offered to sell.

60% more wheat needed by 2050
Wheat is a major staple crop worldwide but its production has not reached demand in 10 of the 15 past years