Recent Articles

British butchers told to sell Kiwi meat
British butchers should sell New Zealand lamb rather than local lamb to combat global warming, a study claims.

Disgusted by staff
I have noticed in the past five to seven years an arrogance towards dairy farming in general among some staff. Farmers are wholly sick of this stupid attitude.

Who’s going to trust Environment Southland now?
The staff at Environment Southland have now shown their true colours. Their urge to persecute and control farmers has seen them take on a whole new role in the community.

Clover management key to lamb growth
… benefits can be achieved even at a pasture clover level that averages 20% through the growing season…

A few thoughts on grazing
Maintaining quality pasture in the summer is so important in a sheep system although in this recent difficult spring set stocking at low covers …

Rural receiverships likely to keep pace with rural bank debt
The country’s only rural insolvency specialist believes more rural businesses will face going to the wall in the next 12 months.

Environment Southland to undergo audit
Chief Executive Rob Phillips said today that in light of recent allegations in the media, Environment Southland would undergo an audit.

Targeting by Environment Southland slammed
The Southland Times reports of the controversial targeting of stock truck companies last winter by Environment Southland.

Wool prices ease slightly
Mr John Dawson, General Manager for New Zealand Wool Services International Limited reports that the 7,174 bales of North Island wool on offer this week saw an 89.5 percent clearance with the fine end easing off last weeks’ relatively extreme level and the coarse types holding their ground. When comparing type for type, overall price […]

Farm profits expected to be lower
The 2012/13 season is expected to be more subdued for pastoral farm businesses as product prices come off recent highs, the Ministry for Primary Industries says.