New test helps reduce environmental pollution
Scientist develops simple technique to reduce environmental pollution caused by nitrogen compounds.
New dairy conversion rule introduced
Transitional policy means all new dairy conversions must obtain resource consent before becoming operational.
Interesting times at Lake Waituna
In the past six weeks we’ve had little rain, it’s dry, there’s no run-off from any farming activity.
Footbath could save bees and end varroa mite
One of the biggest world wide threats to honey bees, the varroa mite, could soon be about to meet its nemesis. Researchers at the University of Warwick are examining naturally occurring fungi that kill the varroa mite. They are also exploring a range of ways to deliver the killer fungus throughout the hives from bee […]
New winter grazing rules for south
The quality of water in creeks, streams and rivers all over Southland should improve this winter …
Lure dangerously attractive to stoats
The drive to control one of the worst predators of New Zealand’s native wildlife has taken a leap forward with the development of a new, humane lure by Auckland wild animal pest control specialist Connovation Limited. The paste is designed to lure stoats into traps. It proved its effectiveness in trials last year when 64 […]
When the neighbour’s gorse jumps the fence
If you’re in Southland and your neighbours gorse and broom is starting to cause you problems then it’s time you called Environment Southland.
Worm eating fungi could benefit farmers
By Joanne Marshall Early in July Farmnews reported that some Australian and British researchers had made a breakthrough in the war against worm parasites in sheep. At that time the researchers had found that a nematophagous fungi could be used to control the free-living stages of some worm parasites of sheep under grazing conditions. Since […]