Some pesticides may need banned to protect bees
A ban of a broad variety of pesticides may be required to protect bees, humans and the environment.
Cows are messy eaters… 5% wastage!
Dairy cows in New Zealand are fed almost exclusively on a range of pasture grasses. If you watch a cow eating you will notice that there is always some of each mouthful that falls to the ground uneaten – cows are messy eaters.
Lest we forget the long drop
There may not be very many long drops left in Southland, but that doesn’t mean they should be forgotten. In recent times Environment Southland has extended their interest in pollution in the region. As it turns out it is not just the farming sector who would be contributing to the state of the region’s waterways. […]
Cover crops can reduce nitrogen loss
Cover crops can reduce nitrate pollution without increasing the salinity or reducing yield, according to researchers.
Funding boost against wilding trees
“We’re just coming into year six and it’s the most positive I’ve felt about achieving our goal,”
Aussies hoping to breed out burpers
In an effort to breed the burpers out of the Aussie national flock scientists there are attempting to unravel the genetic make-up of the sheep.
Who’s going to trust Environment Southland now?
The staff at Environment Southland have now shown their true colours. Their urge to persecute and control farmers has seen them take on a whole new role in the community.
Dairy footprint smaller than in the 40s
With all the talk of carbon footprints these days it is interesting to note recent research from Cornell University has found that today’s dairy farmers actually have a smaller “footprint” than their predecessors. In the June 2009 edition of the university’s Journal of Animal Science it states that the dairy genetics, nutrition, herd management and […]
Online calculators to help with N use
A broader range of online calculators developed to assist farmers to gauge the possible benefits of using urea treated with a urease inhibitor are now available. Summer is just around the corner which in New Zealand typically means drier weather conditions making it difficult to assess the best time to apply nitrogen fertiliser. Urea treated […]
Killer disease striking down US honey bees
Colony Collapse Disorder has caused the most serious die-off of honey bee colonies across the US.